
Why You Should Visit an Optometrist When You Have an Eyesight Problem?

Going to   Optometrist Canberra  will help protect your eyes. He will ensure that you are able to see for years without any trouble. He can give an insight into the overall health of your eyes. Remember, healthy eyes do not mean the eyesight is perfect. Even if you can see everything without specs, your eyes may be unhealthy. The eye doctor will check if there are any signs of eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, or macular degeneration. He can sense other health issues like high blood pressure and diabetes by looking at the condition of the eyes. Learn more...

Choosing An Optometrist in Canberra

When you struggle with your eyesight, you need a qualified and professional   Optometrist Canberra .  Thankfully, there are several good doctors around. How will you choose a good doctor? Well, it is not rocket science. This blog explains a few tips to pick the best optometrist around. Make sure you meet an optometrist People sometimes get confused between an optometrist and an ophthalmologist. They think they are the same. However, they are different. An optometrist is an expert who can examine and test the eyes. He can prescribe you a particular set of glasses or contacts to restore normal vision. Learn more...

How Much Does An Eye Test Cost in Australia?

When there are problems in the eyes, people think twice before visiting an  Optometrist Canberra   because they are not sure whether the treatment will be covered under the insurance scheme or not. However, the good news is that eye tests are covered under Medicare and for quite some time,basic eye examination has been billed. So, you need not pay anything.  Medicare was paying 85 percent of the scheduled fees as per the guidelines given to them.  It was normally accepted as full payment by Optometrists. There was a change in the guidelines during 2015 when the Medicare rebate was reduced from 85 percent to 80 percent. Some optometrists stopped bulk billing for   Eye testing Canberra   and they used to charge the complete fee. It means Medicare used to pay 20% of the Medicare scheduled fee. Payment terms and guidelines should be checked before booking the appointment. Learn more...

Understanding Dry Eye Syndrome

Eyes are precious. You should take every possible care to keep them healthy. Experts say that  Eye Testing Canberra   by a specialist once a year, you can maintain the healthy state of the eyes. Amongst the various ailments, dry Eye Syndrome is quite common nowadays. As we are becoming more and more dependent on digital equipment, i.e., mobile phones, tablets, and computers, the eyes are getting more tired.  When we stare at these screens for longer hours, we tend to blink lesser times.  Thus, our eyes do get lubricated and nourished. Sometimes, a person does not have enough tears to keep the eyes moisturized. It causes dryness in the eyes, which is called the Dry Eye Syndrome. Though this problem does not cause a loss of vision, it makes the eyes prone to inflammation and bacterial infection.  If you feel any irritation or burning sensation in the eyes, it is better to meet an   Optometrist Canberra   for the diagnosis and treatment. Learn more...

What Are Some Signs of Impacted or Poor Vision?

When you cannot see well, you cannot work well. Sometimes, vision problems do not get identified at an earlier stage. You go for   Eye Testing Canberra   and realize that there is a bigger issue. Poor vision leads to poor performance. You suffer from headache, fatigue, and eyestrain. What are some common signs of poor vision problems? Nearsightedness When you are unable to focus on distant objects, it is called Myopia or Nearsightedness. You have a good close vision when the problem is minor. You are supposed to see an  Optometrist Canberra   and get the correct number specs. Learn more...

When Should A Child Start Seeing An Optometrist?

All parents want to get their kids off to a great start in all aspects, including optical health. But most of them are not clear about when is the correct time to start seeing an   Optometrist Canberra . Well, experts have an opinion that it is always good to begin it early. It is because many early eye problems can affect vision for whole life. Hence, finding a minor issue at an early stage and treating it avoids it becoming major and harder to treat. Sometimes, parents feel that there is no need to see an optometrist because their kid doesn’t have any problem related to vision. However, one should remember that an eye exam is not just to know whether the child needs specs or not.  On the contrary, to consult an optometrist is a kind of preventive care. Learn more...

What is An Optometrist in Canberra?

An optometrist is a healthcare professional that offers primary vision care. They are not medical doctors but licensed to practice optometry. He can include an eye exam, writes a prescription for contact lenses or reading glasses, he can find abnormalities in the eyes, and treat eye diseases. You need consultation from an  Optometrist Canberra  when you want primary eye care such as vision test, eye examination, monitoring eye conditions related to diabetes, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration, low-vision aids, etc. Learn more...